

Why, when there are so many, did I decided to make my own ruleset?

Exactly because there is so many. All of the good, some gooder than others but still.

The one I know best is Ironsworn, but the influency from Fabula Ultima and watching a recent video on someone’s ruleset, Firepit (youtube video) it was called, kind make it feel Ironsworn is not really what I want.

To be honest, I was trying too hard with it.

Is it balanced and I plan to do anything with it?

Absolutelty not.

As my Final Fantasy XIV character says in its search comment: “I’m in for the fun, efficiency be damned.”

Same spirit for balancing stuff out.

As for doing something with it. Not quite.

I started a Writing Challange ( 1000 words per day during the days of Lent.

I won’t be rellying on the ruleset for much, my objective is to write. But I may use it if I feel suitable. That’s what about trying too hard. I think I focus too much on the setting, the mechanics of it, when using some ruleset or another, when what I want is to write with some element of chaos.

So no fault to any of the Solo RPG rulesets out there, it is just me being me.

How deep is it?

You know the tip of the iceber that is just above the water. Yeah, that, but just the surface. If you poke it, you will find void inside. That is to say, not deep at all.

They are not rules to build a world, nor there are tables for names and etc. I have Fabula Ultima dn Ironsworn, amongst others, for that if I need it.

It is really an Oracle, built upon that of Firepit; some character stats, akin to Fabula Ultima but not exactly the same; a difficult table, stats modifiers and very basic rules.

I plan to introduce them as in future posts. Unless I forget about this blog for the next dozen years or so.

#RPG #SoloRPG #WritingChallange